UCR - Unified Carrier Registration Form

  • Carrier Info Confirm Your Official Representative
  • Registration Details Number of registered vehicles
  • Payment Info Pay to Complete Registration
Carrier Information
Step 1 - 3

If you are an interstate carrier that operated in 2023 and have not yet filed and paid for the 2023 Unified Carrier Registration, you may not be compliant with the UCR Mandate. Even if you file for the 2024 UCR, the missing year may cause issues with your compliance.

Who is creating this registration?
Intrastate Notice
Mailing Address*
Registration Details
Step 2 - 3
Are you updating any of the company's Operations Classification?
Carrier Classification

Order Details
Vehicle Total :
Total Cost :
Payment Information
Step 3 - 3
Order Details
Vehicle Total :
Total Cost :
Billing Address
I certify that I am the authorized holder and signer of the credit card reference above. I certify that all information above is complete and accurate.
I hereby authorize collection of payment for all charges as indicated above. Charges may not exceed the amount listed above in the “TOTAL COST” field. I understand this is only for up to this amount on the date listed below in the "DATE SIGNED" field. If additional charges are going to be authorized a new form will have to be completed.
The “TOTAL COST” includes all Federal, State and Local Government fees.
I hereby, acknowledge and agree that after the charges are authorized a DOT Operating Authority agent is assigned in 15 minutes to run the order. Once the agent is assigned the charges become non-refundable.